
None of the Above

Revised 5/28/24 Added one picture

Here are some images in my library which do not fit into the categories defined for this blog.  Indeed, I’d be hard pressed to categorize some of these in any context. At the same time there are images that were appropriate for defined categories but were not included in the previous postings for lack of space. This is the point where we gather these up.

The first pair are hold overs from Vintage Nudists where there were series of images (19 through 28) of guys at private swim-ins.

1.  Just the Boys

This is probably a more recent, possibly European, informal meeting. Note the apparent age range.

2.    Consultation

This image apparently passed through “Google” software, so may have been faked.

Then a few beach pics that look like they could be from the era of interest.

3.    It’s Still growing

The suits the females are wearing show full length thighs but not the bare hip treatment.  The woman in the background is wearing a bathing cap. I’m guessing late 1950’s to early 60’s.

4A. One Version
4B. Improved Version

Is this the tale of two fakers?  The greyscale version is closely cropped to frame the nude swimmer to give an ambiguous vintage look.  The second colored version is a wider view which is likely the original, but obvious alterations have been made.  The erection being displayed by the swimmer is well done (including the shadow cast on the outboard thigh) but unlikely.  Few guys emerge from the water with a hard-on intact.  He may have encountered a hot mermaid, but … In this case the first version’s view of the guy’s penis is probably original. More subtle is the fact that in colored version, the girl’s tank top has been deleted in favor of a smooth, wet tan.

The disconcerting aspect for me is that such a well-executed color fake could be perpetrated.  My stated assumption has been that fakes are greyscaled before alteration. This is a lesson.

5.    Just Hanging Out

These people are probably spectators at some event. Love the hairy pot-bellied guy in the speedo. 

This has been cropped around the two naked guys (who could have been altered), so some of the context has been lost. I’m tempted to offer some conjectures as to time and place, but that would be pointless.

6. His Following

Without belaboring the point, I saw multiple color photos from what appears to be a CFNM softcore porn video.  This is one of several in a sequence that is frequently seen on the internet. 

There was a huge amount of metadata associated with this image. It seems to have originally shot as a still image in 2003. It was modified (probably decolorized with reduced resolution to appear vintage) via Photoshop using a Mac on October 1, 2014.

Next, we have some groupings of unknown origin.

7.  Just Act Natural, Guys

Photoshopped on August 28, 2013 by our Mac friend.

8A. Give Us a Good Look
8B. How About a Better Look

This could be considered a leftover from the Vintage Nudes posting.  As you can see, it was decolorized to make it appear vintage. 

The guy on the top right looks like he’s wearing earrings in both ears and his nipples. It suggests that this image is from the 1990’s or later.

Speaking of the guys, the one on the far left center doesn’t look like he’s down with the whole situation.  His buddy almost looks as though he’s holding him in place for the photo.

The decolorized version shows metadata indicative of a modification using Google software.

9A. Nudist
9C. Stupid

This image was published in a European nudist magazine. It is from a Dutch nudist social swim event.

Some faker decided to dress the only female to go for a CFNM vibe. A second faker must have decided to go for a vintage look but couldn’t resist adding a dumb caption.

10. C’est Marrant

I recognize the guy on the right half turned to the camera.  This is a French INF “gala” – a competitive event.  The picture has been de-colorized for nefarious purposes known only to the perpetrator.

11. Swim Buddies

I found this cited in a blog in which the correspondent said that this is an outtake from a gay porn video that he actually owned a copy of.  The video was originally in color, so this was a deliberate attempt at fakery. The bogus caption is the frosting on the fake cake.

As you might expect, this was Photoshopped using a McIntosh device on July 14, 2013.

Next, we have a few outdoor pool pictures.

12.   Everybody Here?

Photoshopped on October 19, 2014 using the trusty old Mac.

13A Staggerd Start 1
13B. Staggered Start 2

Looks like this one was altered to eliminate the young lady with the noteworthy posterior appointments. That was probably done to conceal what this was – another nudist retreat.

14. Perfect

This well-put together young man is emerging (god-like) from a pool in what looks like an Olympic (where else would a god be?) stadium.  High springboard and platform diving towers loom in the background in a venue with huge seating capacity.

He apparently doesn’t have the place to himself.  Zooming in, there are three heads bobbing in the water behind him.  

Sadly, this magnificent image was modified using the “Google” software.

15. Breather

This young man and his surroundings are unknown, so we have to glean what information we can from the image.

I think this is a European scene. That could be a German flag being stirred by a summer zephyr.

From the looks of the activity on the deck, it looks like venue where you come in, disrobe and lay in the sun or take to the water.  The body of water may be a lake, since it appears that there is provision for coping with varying water levels. The boardwalk on which our subject is perched, seems incongruous.  The only access appears to be hauling oneself out of the water onto it.

Back indoors …

16. Girl, Boy, Girl, Boy

As suggested by the water mark, this is a professionally staged image using models.  It is from the 2014 Oxford Blues Charity Naked Calendar which features college athletes coyly posed. Not relevant to our needs.

17. Done

Blurry, decolorized, but obviously a recent nudist event.

18. Just Hangin’ Out

The dress code here is obvious.  What’s going on is not. The depth marker is metric and works out to 3.6 feet. It suggests this is European.

19. Competition the Way It Should Be

Probably too recent for our purposes, but can’t really tell because of the close cropping. No lane dividers, no equipment.  Looks like just a couple of well-toned guys swimming laps.

20. Pick Up Water Polo

This is what it is, whatever that is. Special thanks to the guy on the left who decided to haul it out so we could confirm that these guys are indeed nude.

21. Two Naked Swimmers and a Log

Nothing to offer on this one either.

22. Caught Out

The girls seem greatly amused at this guy’s predicament.  Is he supposed to be nude or not?  Hard to put a time period on this because of the mixed elements.  Low res may mean that this has been fooled with.

23. The Slide

Reference to this amusement device appears in at least one recollection from days of yore. This appears to be an outdoor setting, but beyond that, I can’t offer anything. Except that this image passed through the “Google” software.  Likely modified.

While all of the foregoing are confounding to a greater or lesser extent, we’re not done yet.  We finish up with the odd-going-on-bizarre.  Good luck with these.

24. Private Lesson

She doesn’t look like a swimming coach, but I guess you take help where you can get it.

It has been “Googled,” so what you see is probably not what happened.

25. East Berlin 1958

We’re in the old DDR – the communist side of divided Germany during the Cold War.  The scene is taking place in a park on (where else?) the east side of town.  Of course, all of the young boys are nude and all of the young girls are dressed – so much for gender equality in the workers’ paradise.

The back story is that in the DDR nude recreation was unusually popular, even for Germany.  The reason sometimes given was that in a highly repressive society, the traditional Germany affinity for nudism provided an outlet for personal expression that was not considered subversive. Initially, the communist government took a dim view of the practice, but apparently warmed up to it over time.  By the 1970s nudist recreation was officially embraced as a wholesome expression of revolutionary fervor.

26. Comrades on the Lake

This very interesting image is unattributed. However, it is clear that something organized and aquatic involving nude males is transpiring.  Using the clues I see, I constructed the following scenario:

The only letter visible on the caps of the participants is a “D.” That suggested the old East German state, the DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik).  During its existence the DDR along with the other eastern European communist states were known for the low standard of living of the inhabitants.  The figures in this image seem to fit the description of privation. First, the caps on their heads seem impractical for aquatic activities.  Elastomeric head gear is more the norm, but the textile treatments may have been cheaper. Second, the lad on the left has a terrible haircut. It seems like a home brewed tonsuring administered by a family member, avoiding the expense of a professional barber. Third, the girl is in desperate need of orthodonture. That service may have been unavailable to all but the elite in the worker’s paradise. Her close chopped coiffure may have been considered proper as well as practical for reduced circumstances. Finally, the boy on the left has a rather striking bearing. It may betoken hours of drill in the uniform of a communist youth organization.

Okay, these conclusions are quite a stretch with such little data, but it’s fun – and maybe plausible.

27. Lonely Guy

The only thing that connects this picture to swimming is the guy’s cap.  The setting is Greenwich Park in London, UK. It is the site of the Prime Meridian where tourists stand with one foot in the Eastern Hemisphere and the other in the Western Hemisphere.  This guy chose to do it wearing only a swimming cap.  Why he did will have to remain one of the great mysteries of our age.

28. Look, Mom

I found this is on one of the Tumblr blogs that were wiped when that service decided to discontinue “adult” content hosting. The message that accompanied photo said this showed his swimming award certificates that he had temporarily lost track of. Since he is well past his scholastic years, did he get naked just to hold up his awards? Don’t know what to say to that.

This pic has metadata, but no indication of manipulation.

29. Flippers

Whatever else may be happening here, these guys had their suits stripped off by Photoshop on October 19, 2014 – a busy day for the guy with the Mac.

The background story on this image is that an Armenian underwater swimming champion by the name of Shavarsh Karapety racked up 17 gold metals over a short career swimming in the old Soviet Union back in the 1970’s.  He’s one of the competitors in this scene (the article did not specify which of the face-down figures is he).

30. Form a Single Line

I can’t shake the feeling that this is a religious service. If so, I want to convert to this religion.  Love the guy in the Fabio hairdo.

31. Locker Room Comradery

This completely unidentified, low-res photo seems to have caught a bunch of young men in a celebratory mood. The watermark across the bottom is the same as a current website that seems to feature a large collection of old nudists magazine photos.  I was unable to find anything comparable to this image there.

The individual with the halo was undoubtedly highlighted for some reason.  The effect was most likely achieved by scraping the photographic negative before printing.

32. Mash-Up
32A. Unmashed

Even with the obviously bogus boy removed, this is still a fantasy image.  The girl is wearing a tunic so tightly tailored that it cannot have been issued by any life guard organization (except for Bay Watch, maybe). Her perfectly coifed hair and jaunty little cap support the contrived nature of this image.

I have come across the AleX designation on pictures depicting corporal “discipline” of naked teenage boys by adult women. Not my cup of tea.

The frosting on the cake was that the image was ministered to by “Google.”

33.   Caption Contest

We saved the best for last.  Initially, I had no clue what is going on in this picture, but have since been informed that it is an outtake from a TV series that appeared several years ago on UK Channel 4. The woman is a medical doctor who presided over various situations involving gratuitous nudity. The kids pictured here were apparently members of some athletic team.  Got it?  Yeah, still makes no sense, particularly since nobody seems to be into the situation.

There is metadata accompanying this image, but not the kind that indicates modification. The data is probably a remnant of the image’s being de-colorized for deceptive purposes.

There seems to be no end to the tangents to this topic. The next posting looks at a few of these.

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