
Photoshoppers Gone Wild

Revised 9/28/23

The fakery gremlins have been active outside our sphere of interest.  With the possible exception of a couple or so photos, almost all of the images presented on this page are flagrant fakes.  The products of the fakery seem to uniformly result in a CFNM situation. That speaks to the motivation of the faker. That said, sit back and enjoy the ride. 

1.    Lunch Break

This guy noshing on a sandwich is apparently saving his super-size knockwurst for later.  The low res makes it difficult to make out the context, but this venue seems to overlook a well-attended beach.  It is likely that even if it were a nude beach, the patrons might don some raiment before entering the dining amenities.  The adjacent young ladies seem to think so.  I might be inclined to give this image a pass if the young man were displaying more average sized appointments, but as it is, this looks soooo phony.

2.    Family Outing

This nice multi-generational family picture is apparently being photo-bombed by the only nude guy on the beach (check the background figures – all suited).  Yep, a fake.

3. Heave Ho, Me Hardies

Given the arresting composition, I suspect that this was originally a professional fine art photo of traditional fishermen going about their business.  The forger decided they looked better without pants.

Couples are always a titillating topic for those into CFNM.  For this next section we’ll review some of these.

4.    Under the Boardwalk

This picture and the next show couples where the guy is the focus of interest.  Usually the girl draws your eye first.  In this particular shot, the girl seems to be a prop.  They are not a couple because their hands are not touching – close as they are.  Her swim suit is vintage with the full brief and tie top.  I have a feeling this may predate the 1950’s.

As it turns out, this was Photoshopped.  It occurred on September 24, 2014.  The perpetrator used a McIntosh.

5. Dear Old Dad
6.    Backyard Pool

As plausible as this might seem, this image was modified by a fraudster using Photoshop on a McIntosh. The changes were made on March 28, 2013.

Let’s move on to another topic – camping.

7.    Camping Group A
8.    Camping Group B
9.  Another Group

I feel pretty confident that images 7 through 9 are faked.  In all cases the non-nude (female) figures are so completely dressed that having nudes (all males) in their company seems incongruous.  Too, these are the kind of low-res renderings that are characteristic of alteration.

10.    Pup Tent Couple

Although I was suspicious of this image, a correspondent advises me that, except for the fact that it was decolorized, this photo is authentic.  The guy is nude and posing with his clothed female companion.

11. Nap by the Creek

Nice image.  Believe it or not as you choose.

12.    Boy Scout

I’m willing to dismiss this as a fake as well, but a little discussion is warranted.

An arresting detail is that the boy is wearing a neckerchief with a slide closure.  That was a universal accouterment of Boy Scouts worldwide. Put that together with the line of tents with cots suggests a long-term camp out is in progress.

The idea that a boy scout is receiving a visit from his girlfriend/sister wearing only a neckerchief, watch and sandals seems like too much of a stretch.  Still, I like the way the counterfeiter worked the genital package into the posture of the boy.  Very believable.

13.    Where’s the Water?

What’s a racing scull doing in the woods?  That’s at least as mysterious as why all of the visible males in the picture are wearing only what they were born with.

14.    Nice Tree

Can’t draw any conclusions from this low res pic from an unknown location and era. The left couple looks like they’re from the 1960’s and the right from the 1950’s.  But it’s really a picture of a tree.

15. I Remember Momma

Even with their pants on, this picture doesn’t make much sense.  I can only conclude that the photographer’s instruction was “Get behind Momma and do something silly.”

16    Her Boys

The text accompanying this image identifies the standing woman a former famous European high fashion model. At the time of this picture in the 1950’s, she was settling into comfortable middle age.  She still, however, enjoyed her boy toys.  Whatever.

17A. Breezy Day
17B. Picnic on the Lake
17C. Relaxing

Apparently this is a family group on an outing.  In the first image, the mom and the kids are apparently taking their ease after the children shed their clothes on the spot.  The young men went all the way while the little girl retained her panties and the young woman wore a swim suit.  In the second shot, the sartorial state of the well-groomed older male cannot be ascertained.  The question seems resolved in the third image, but no. The third image was Photoshopped – apparently more than once. Moreover, a microviewer examination shows a distinct pattern on the male figure’s buttock that is likely the remnant of a swim suit removal.

Ignoring the falsified image, the scene captured here could be in keeping with the practice during our period of study.  The bushy hair of the boys suggests a late 1960s or 1970s. The suited female’s hairdo (wind-blown though it is) suggests 1970s. I speculate these may be European photos.

18. A Day at the Beach

My first thought on seeing this image was pity for the boy who apparently inherited his father’s prominent ears.  After that the interest shifts to the fact that all of the adults are in street clothes (rolled up trouser legs and hiked skirts in deference to the surf) while the children are in swim mode.  The fact that the girl is wearing proper swimming attire suggests that this was a planned trip.  Therefore, the boy’s nudity was also planned, notwithstanding that he seems to be the only person in the picture foreground or background so arrayed.

Based on what I can see of the clothes and hairdos, I’m dating this for the late 1940’s to early 1950’s.  I also have the feeling that this is a European scene.

19. A Day at the Lake

Naked guys wading in a tranquil mountain lake while a lady looks on (Is she sketching?). Crisp focus. Looks like the product of professional art photographer. A correspondent advised that this photo was originally in color, but otherwise it is unaltered.

Our next topic will be the parallel universe of gay and nudist literature which contaminated the photo record of our study area.

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