
Revised 1/15/24

Historical Links

1. Researched website

Related forum. It’s very old, so the conversation has veered away from nude male swimming in the later postings.

2. Originals of fakes

3. Review (in Russian) of the history of competitive swimming in Russia containing originals of pictures that were faked

4. Anecdotal histories with attributed pictures

5. Pictures with clear attributions along with some discussion.

6. High School swimming history (compiled by a nudist author).  Contains a good summary of the history of this era.

7. Older string of reminiscences by former school boys (documented with times and locations). It was invaded by a troll which casts doubt on the content.

8. Some miscellaneous experiences

9. Article on history of pool sanitation followed by male recollections from Illinois (December 30, 2016). (Link doesn’t work.  Cut and paste into URL line.)

10. Article on history of nude swimming with reader recollections afterward.  Some evidence of persistence into 1990’s.

11. Single person blog content

12. Another blog of personal experiences interspersed with questions from curious lurkers

13. This is a compilation of postings from old blogs and forums (mostly defunct) that relate various experiences. It has disappeared from its host site, but I copied it down. It is lengthy and somewhat disjointed. I have not attempted to edit it.

14. Quora discussion groups – a lot of redundancy and more than a little fantasy.  The forums are still active, so the later postings run off topic.

Quora 1

Quora 2

Quora 3

Quora 4

Quora 5

Technical Resources

A. Swim goggle history: David Wilkie became the first swimmer to use goggles in international pool competitions, at the 1970 Commonwealth Games. Goggles were first allowed at the Olympics in 1976, and many athletes used them in preparation at the 1972 Games.

B. Swim Caps

C. NYC Floating Pools

D. History of YMCA (no mention of nude activities)

E. LIFE magazine archives (by issue)

F. Diving Board History

G. YMCA Logo History

H. Explanation of Image Metadata

I. Summary of 20th century nude swimming history